Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Make Money Online Without Selling Anything

This is called CPA standing for Click per Action or Click per Aquisition.  In this business you sign up for companies and then direct traffic to a squeeze page with your affiliate code.  You get paid for sending traffic, not for actually making a sale.  For example, a company might agree to pay you $2 for getting signups to a free fantasy football league.  You get paid for the actual signup.  One can take this one step further and outsource the work.  You can go to sites like and find businesses that will work for you and you can pay them .30, as an example, for each signup.  The profit to you is $1.70 per signup.  You might contract with them to sign up 500 people over the next 2 months.  The theoretical profit would be $850.

Imagine the potential if you had 20 such campaigns operating

Here is a membership site for CPA offerrs.  You might want to try the 7 day $4.95 trial before signing up for $75.

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