Many people of all ages are getting started in internet marketing, the competition is heating up. You cannot turn on your computer without seeing an offer on how to make hundreds of thousands of dollars each year with your own internet marketing business. One would think that he or she is the only one who is not a millionaire at this point of time. These internet marketers all have their own secret which they would be willing to share with you for several hundred dollars. With some luck, they will even offer to mentor you for a year at a mere $1500-5000. You have to pass their screening process before being accepted. My guess is that their screening process is that you have $1500-5000 available to spend.
Internet marketing is a great way for anybody to earn additional money, especially for retired baby boomers who want to supplement retirement earnings.
Although each has their favorite spin on things, the self proclaimed experts pretty much agree that these are the 5 keys for being successful in internet marketing:
1.Start by selling other people's products, in other words, affiliate marketing. You could be an affiliate for almost any company that you could imagine from Amazon to WalMart. One of the best is Clickbank which handles digital products which have a much higher profit margin than the retail stores.
2.You eventually need to have your own website. You can buy websites cheap enough but you also have to purchase a domain name and arrange for hosting. The process will cost roughly $200 to set up and host for the 1st year. If you would like to do this free, go to my website for a free website selling Clickbank products.
3.You need to build a list. If a customer buys from you once and is satisfied, he will likely buy from you again. You will want to have a squeeze page so that you can capture your potential customer's name and e-mail address before passing them on if you are selling as an affiliate.
4.You will need to have some product to give away to your customer in order to gain credibility. Remember, even though you are selling a product, you are selling yourself. Treat your customers well and they will keep coming back to you.
5.You need to drive traffic to your website. You can pay for advertising but there are many free ways to obtain free advertising such as article writing.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Five Keys for Being Successful in Internet Marketing
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